4 Ways to Create A+ Graduate Student Experiences

Launch innovative graduate degrees and create exceptional student experiences with these four essential features for today's students.

"I wanted to be better for the patients I treat, I wanted to better myself," says Dane Mauer, a recent graduate of Hanover College’s inaugural Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) cohort. Dane is not alone, his words resonate with the aspirations of countless prospective students who, in their pursuit of graduate education, seek not only financial well-being but a sense of meaning and purpose.

Dane completed his graduate degree in May 2023 from Hanover College, a scenic 650-acre campus along the Ohio River in Hanover, Indiana. The school has traditionally been an four year liberal arts undergraduate institution until the launch of their DPT program in 2021. This program was their first doctoral degree since the University was established in 1915. Before enrolling in Hanover’s DPT program, Dane worked as a Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) sharing that his coworkers saw his potential, provided mentorship and encouraged his pursuit of a doctorate. With his new scope of practice, he has improved his skills, income and patient outcomes by striving to get to know and have fun with every patient that he meets.

Dane's story is synonymous with countless others around the US. Americans spend an average of 1/3 of their lifetimes at work, which means many choose to pursue careers they feel personally called to. In order to fulfill both the student and workforces’ demands, modern graduate programs must be multifaceted. They're tasked with meeting the demands of the job market, providing financial stability and growth to the institution, and responding to the aspirations and needs of their students.

Because of this, programs that create exceptional student experiences do so by internalizing a dynamic, rather than fixed, perspective of how education and skills are delivered.

In this article, we will explore the key drivers of an exceptional academic experience.

1. Start with Purpose

Many student athletes find a passion for Physical Therapy through their love of sports. Kennedy Schuelke and Cody Maltezo, two Hawai'i Pacific University (HPU) DPT students, shared with us how their two very different sports aligned them to the same path. Kennedy grew up dancing and was drawn to the profession through her appreciation for “how the human body moves and works." Cody, a baseball player, gained interest through injury and seeing how significant therapies could be in getting back on the field quickly.

For both Kennedy and Cody, these initial experiences led them to become aware of how physical therapy played a crucial role in facilitating healing and greater well-being for their families and community.

Cody who is from Hawai'i, shared that he " slowly learned as I started to volunteer that there aren't that many physical therapists here and there's so many people that need the therapy and a lot of people even fly from different islands like Micronesia and Samoa to get the proper treatment. And so, I wanted to be a part of that change and to help out."

HPU launched the first ever DPT program in Hawai’i in 2022 on its Honolulu campus and has since unveiled a second location for the program in Las Vegas set to kick off its inaugural cohort in January 2025.

Starting the design of a graduate school program with a clear sense of purpose, that connects with students' intrinsic drive to make an impact, creates the optimal program and experience.

Purpose-driven program design ensures that graduate programs align with the overarching mission and values of their prospective students.

By defining a purpose, educators and administrators can articulate the core goals and objectives of the program, which serve as a guiding framework for all decisions related to curriculum, faculty, resources, and student support and recruitment. 

2. Deliver ROI, Faster

Return on Investment (ROI) and speed to ROI are critical aspects of program design because they directly impact the attractiveness and effectiveness of a graduate program in today's competitive educational landscape.

ROI measures the value that students receive from their educational investment in terms of future career opportunities and earnings potential. It is an essential consideration for prospective students who are increasingly conscious of the financial costs associated with higher education.

For Dane, the accelerated pace of the Hanover DPT program was an important factor in selecting a program. He shared he “would rather do something that's more accelerated,” because it allows for a faster entry into expanded scope and practice. Programs that offer shorter timeframes for obtaining degrees or certifications, while still maintaining educational quality, can be highly appealing.

A quicker path to ROI not only helps students reduce their financial burden but also enables them to apply their knowledge and skills sooner, which can boost their confidence and job prospects.

HPU’s Cody shares Dane’s sentiment, "faster is better…I know a lot of physical therapists learn the most in their first year of practice compared to when they're actually in school. And so, if I go through the correct courses and I'm prepared to take the test, that's what I want."

For educational institutions, emphasizing ROI and speed to ROI in program design is essential for maintaining enrollment numbers and ensuring positive student outcomes. By aligning program offerings with the expectations and needs of students, institutions can remain competitive and demonstrate their commitment to providing value in a rapidly changing landscape.

3. Innovate on Program Delivery

Innovation in program delivery, including the adoption of hybrid approaches, which combine in-person and online components, offers an attractive combination for students. 

"I really like the hybrid format," says Kennedy. "I like that I can watch our asynchronous lectures on my own time and do what works best for me. "

Like the Hanover College DPT program, HPU is also a hybrid accelerated doctorate program. Hybrid models allow students to access educational content and resources from anywhere, accommodating various learning styles and schedules.

"I'm more of a morning person," Kennedy continues. "I like that I can fit it around my schedule. I like that I can do my classes and watch lectures or do any assignments from home, or I can go to different coffee shops, so I don't ever feel like I'm just stuck in one spot."

Hybrid models allow faculty to adopt a student-centric mindset that incorporates technology and multimedia resources, creating opportunities for students to interact with course materials and peers in dynamic ways, and to revisit information as needed.

"It's nice to go back and rewatch a lecture and hear what they say," says Cody. "When we're on Zoom with each other (during synchronous lectures) for the week, those are also recorded," he continues. "So, there's something in class that I missed or needed more time to process, then I can just rewatch it."

4. Facilitate Lifelong Connections

The accelerated nature propels fast friendships. "I still text some of my fellow PT students several times a week," says Dane, checking in to see how things are going in boards preparation or how their new jobs are going.  

Creating lasting connections is essential for many students, especially for those pursuing hybrid programs. These relationships foster a sense of community and ongoing support for students beyond their formal education, and they help those who spend time in online learning experiences bond beyond the virtual classroom setting.

"HPU has something called coaching teams," says Kennedy. "It lets us have a group that we can talk to and study with and get to know, because that is one of the hard things about a hybrid program. You're not with your classmates. I think that helped facilitate some of those conversations."

Lifelong connections can be a source of personal fulfillment and emotional support. Graduates often find lasting friendships and a sense of belonging within their educational community. These connections can serve as a source of encouragement and camaraderie throughout their career and contribute to graduates' overall well-being and happiness.

"It was exciting to meet everyone in person at our lab immersion for the first time," Kennedy says. "Everyone was super open to getting to know one another. And I think that's something that my cohort does well, and HPU in general, everyone is going through the experience together and wants to help one another."

What the Future Holds

The future of graduate school education is poised for a significant transformation as it adapts and innovates to meet the evolving needs of today's students. One of the key trends we can expect is greater flexibility in program delivery. Graduate programs will increasingly embrace hybrid and online formats, allowing students to access high-quality education from anywhere in the world.

Dane, Kennedy, and Cody are bullish on the future of hybrid accelerated programs like the ones at Hanover and HPU.

These unique programs are designed to innovate in ways that students increasingly demand, but maintain key aspects of traditional programs, such as lasting connections and an emphasis on quality.

"I think that's a huge plus with hybrid programs because we have some of the best professors and people who are paving the way for the future of PT," says Kennedy. "Because they're able to live where they want to live and then come in for labs, we're able to get the top professors."

Dane echoes this sentiment. "You're going to get a very high quality of education and you're going to learn it from some of the best professors. Their skill level is so high."

Innovative and dynamic programs like these meet the individual learners where they are and maximize learning. "One thing that a lot of my friends and other programs say is that professors don't allow you to record the lectures, or they don't have slides for you, and they just talk," says Cody. "Compared to a hybrid program where everything's provided, the handouts, the lectures, all the videos, all the readings, even the audio."

Personalized learning pathways will allow students to tailor their education to their specific goals and interests, ensuring that they acquire the competencies needed for their chosen career paths. This adaptability and customization will empower students to shape their educational experiences to align with their unique aspirations, ultimately enhancing their preparedness for the workforce and beyond.

Evidence In Motion is the learning solutions provider helping institutions like Hanover, HPU, and many others stand up and sustain hybrid accelerated programs in high-demand health care professions. These include new and exciting graduate degrees in Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology and Physician Assistant. You can learn more about this unique and valuable hybrid accelerated model at www.eimpartnerships.com

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